Chris and Captain Cook
Created by Ian Stubbs 14 years ago
Dear Mary, Tracey and Claire,
I am so very sorry to hear of Chris's passing.
I always remember Chris as someone who knew an awful lot about not only Cook but the places he visited and I remember with fond affection that he was only too happy to share this knowledge with me in my work at the Captain Cook Birthplace Museum.
I remember also the fun in the lecture about his visit to Easter Island and the quiz question about the moai when I got the answer right and won the prize, a bottle of Chilean wine, why from Chile, well people with an exhaustive knowlege of Cook etc know that Easter Island falls under the jurisdiction of Chile and also I remember him e-mailing me the image of Captain Cook Bunnykins to use in my lecture presentation about the Many Faces of Captain Cook given to the Cook Society after the exhibition of that title.
Chris's ever ready resourcefulness was also evident in the story he related of the coal to Newcastle and the training ship James Cook,
I know you miss him and I and the museum certainly will, with my thoughts and prayers,
Ian Stubbs - Assistant Curator, The Captain Cook Birthplace Museum, Stewart Park, Marton, Middlesbrough.